Yeah, I don't even know how I got here, but suffice it to say, I did.
I think it started out with a conversation I had with the artistically crazy one Friday, about our religious beliefs. She and I talk a great deal about money, no problem. This is because we are in the same boat: broke as hell and hoping and believing that it will get better, that it has to get better. But when it comes to politics and religion, we don't talk nearly as much.
Now for me, Politics is really something I don't talk about much with anyone. Truth be told, this is mostly because I actually have a great deal of disdain for politics and politicians. I really do believe we are stuck picking the less of two evils. Choose your poison type deal. I do admittedly still try to be optimistic about the whole thing though. I'm trying to look at all the presidential candidates positions, on both sides and all that. I still probably won't feel good about my decision come November though. But I'm still gonna vote. Causing voting at the very least gives you the right to complain when they screw up. Unless its your candidates.
As for religion...well, I don't know why I don't talk about religion more. I think in part, it has to do with me being raised catholic. As catholics, we are taught that it is ok to worship, pray, show up atleast once a week, confess your sins every six months or so, get married in the church (as long as you're marrying a catholic that is), baptise your kid catholic, etc. But, that's what you do in the church. You don't or really shouldn't show off about your beliefs. Though maybe that has to do more with my parents. They taught me about the idea that its ok to have your beliefs, but its not necessary to go around screaming it at the top of your lungs and pushing it on other people, because they have their beliefs too. Hmm.
Disclaimer: Oh, and contrary to popular belief, the more modern catholics (atleast the ones at my church) don't go around damning everyone. So don't worry, I'm not going to tell you that your going to hell. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell, but I only know about my karma.
Which leads to the contradictory belief. Being raised catholic, taught there's only one God, and the father and the son and the holy spirit and Mary, Mother of Jesus, being a pretty important character too (I mean she did manage to get knocked up without having sex...c'mon people, you've got to give her points for pulling that off), and the saints and disciples, but that's it! Nothing else. Can't believe in Allah, or Buddha or any other Gods and stuff. And I don't, I buy into that, sort of. Maybe, I don't really know, and I will never pretend to have the answers to that. However, I was also taught that you don't do the bad ju-ju...i.e. Horoscopes (which I love to read for a good laugh), magic, voodoo, the Ouija board, chi AND Karma.
People, I believe in Karma. I'm serious about it. Not like crazy serious, but I really do believe in it. I believe what you send out into the world, you get back. I think they kind of teach stuff like that within the church, but you kind of get looked down upon when you call it Karma. But I believe in it...whether its because of my formative High School years, where I kinda watched things from the outside looking in mentality and saw it happen over and over again or whether it was because of my EXTREMELY formative College years, where I experienced Karma first hand, both good and bad.
Now, I am not a judgemental person, I have been told and really do believe I'm possibly one of the most non-judgemental people you could ever meet. I'm not completely non-judgemental, I have my moments, but for the most part, I atleast understand where people are coming from and that they have their reasons for the things they do. I have no reason to judge, i've done my share of wrong things too. And, without those wrong things, those mistakes, you wouldn't be where you are now and we are all where we are at for a certain reason. Atleast, that's my belief.
But, I do think Karma is that sign of what you've done right or wrong. Everything in life, EVERY ACTION (and this is basic 8th grade physical science by the way, not just karma or religion or whatever) has an equal opposite reaction for what you do. That's just the way life rolls. So, you get the good, and you run with it for as long as you can, and then along comes the bad and you know what, you gotta roll with that too, because hell, that's what you dished out for yourself. Hell, sometimes you get a mix of good and bad at the same damn time! And, i'm not saying that EVERYTHING that happens is because of Karma, because I don't totally believe that either. I think its a mix of things, plus you're dealing with other people's karmas and what not, and you know what, I hate to say it, but sometimes, just sometimes, things happen, because they happen. No real rhyme or reason, and maybe that's karma coming into play somehow, but sometimes, its just the way things are.
And, no, this is not about convincing you to be catholic or to look into karma or anything like that. This is just me. Talking. Cause its MY blogger. And I will blog what I want. (Please note to those of you who actually know me that my nose went up in the air when I wrote that last sentence, please laugh hysterically now.) Point is, hey, you're reading this. Maybe I'll let you get to know a little bit about me.
Like that I'm a catholic...I'm also a karma believer...and a believer that things just happen. But don't worry, I won't be touching the Ouija board...even I know when to keep away from THAT bad ju-ju.
Oh, and I really don't like artificial banana flavored anything! At all. Not even popcicles. Ick. That's important to know about me too.