I'm talking to those people who insist that "when you least expect it, everything will fall into place." Fine. You're right. That doesn't mean I like you, that just means that I'm willing to admit that you're right once in a while.
So, finally, after 6 yrs, 13 million threats, a baby, the engagement, 4 job changes for me, 3 job changes for Ray, getting the car fixed and other assorted hiccups, disasters and general mayhem, we officially have a house. We're moving!! Finally!! And, I'm doing it before I officially turn 30, so that means that I won't be the freak girl who still lives with her parents. Not that I wasn't before, it just won't be so bad now.
The house is cute! It's small. A foreclosure that the real estate guy bought and renovated and decided to rent out. Fine, whatever. It's ours! We have a washer and dryer, so no laundromat adventures w/ Eli, which sounded like a horendous idea. We have a dishwasher. I hate dishes more than cleaning the toilet. That's bad. The dishwasher is my friend. We took my very large tax return and bought us a whole bunch of new house crap. And, I'm really serious this time. We signed the lease last Sunday and we started moving in today. Like, our couch(es), our kitchen stuff and other assorted crap is over there. All we have left to move is basic crap, like the bed and Eli's room and other assorted nonsense and then there's organizing everything which I'm going to start working on Wednesday.
So, like there's all the house stuff, and at the same time, we find out Ray just got a major promotion and pay raise at work. And, then, I got a job interview with college!!!! Aaaaah!!! Now, it's just a phone interview, so obviously, the process is still long and crazy and I may not even get an in person interview, but I got a call back, so that is really cool. I'm actually on a good streak right now...maybe I should play the lottery.
I promise I'll put pictures up as soon as I have them of the new place! So exciting! I'm a grown up! :)
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