Monday, August 30, 2010
The Plight of Preggo...
-You can't do things for yourself after a certain point...I know some people don't mind this, but for me, this is the most frustrating thing in the world. I HATE having to rely on other people to do basic things for me, like picking things up off the floor and such other nonsense. I'm ready to go back to being the capable normal lady who can do crap for herself.
-I have lost my mind, literally...Like, literally, lose track of what I was saying 5 minutes ago, can't remember what I was doing, lost car keys for a month, lost everything! I have spent more time the last month in a half driving past my neighborhood before realizing that I completely missed the turn, than ever before in my life. I want my mind back. Apparently though, preggo mind is just training for mommy brain, when you not only lose your mind, but your senses also. Just freaking perfect.
-I'm over the diabetes bullshit...Seriously, i'm over it. I'm over having to watch my intake of sugar and all that shit, and doing it right, but at the same time trying to make sure i'm getting enough carbs to give my son energy to do well enough and be awake enough for his NSTs. If i'm going to cut back on my sugar intake and exercise well too, i need this kid out!
-I WANT TO DRINK!!!...Sorry, hate breaking it to you, but I have never wanted a drink so bad before in my life! I mean, pregnancy is stressful, its a change of your life, COMPLETELY. And, that's just adjusting to the fact that you're carrying around a child and becoming a mommy, nevermind everything else that comes with it. Honestly, a drink is the least of what you want...its really more like a half bottle of vodka, with a splash of tomato juice. Its ridiculous, but fine, whatever, i'm ridiculous, I WANT AN EFFING DRINK!
-I'm so tired of being called preggo...Almost everyone calls me preggo. It has become the most annoying nickname of my life. I'm tired of being preggo. I want to be normal Flaherty. I'm ready to be normal Flaherty. I know that normal Flaherty is really a thing of the past to an extent, because i'm becoming a mom and that changes everything...but i'm done with Preggo. Preggo needs to be in my past.
I dunno...there's so much more to it than just that, that drives me CRAZY about pregnancy, but i'm having a hard time remembering all of it. Damn you pregnancy brain!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Reality Check...
1. We do not have all the parts for my son's furniture. Oh, you read that right. My son is here in two weeks and I only have one shelf for his dresser and half of his changing table put together, because in my infinite new mom wisdom, I thought that this was a good company to go with. I was wrooooong. The company doesn't even have a website. Which is pretty sad and pathetic in the grand scheme of things. Oh well. At least his crib went together with no problem. I'll take what I can get right now.
2. I'm having my last baby shower this weekend. Lesson: Don't let passive aggressive behavior get in the way of what is normally, logical thinking, because you will probably regret it in the long run. Am I getting what I want in the end? Yes. Was it really worth it in the end? Not in the grand scheme of things. There are now too many parties and WAAAAAAY too much stuff. Well, the last part is not true. You really can never have too much stuff for your child. Except maybe newborn onesies. You can have too many of those.
3. I've been so busy, I have not packed a hospital bag yet. This is a bit like living on the wild side in mommy to be world, because I should've apparently had the bag packed like three weeks ago. I'm attempting to pack it this weekend. We'll see if I have time for it.
In truth, if you haven't learned it at this point, you are a crazy mommy to be. YOU ARE NOT INVINCIBLE AND YOU CAN NOT DO IT ALL! Two months ago, I thought I could do it all. I thought I could be a creative artist, a health guru, a good employee and a good mommy to be. You can't and you probably won't accomplish everything. In reality, you will be lucky if you accomplish a third of what you set out to accomplish at the beginning of your pregnancy. You will have to accept it and move forward with your life, because, your kid will not remember the fact that he slept in his grandparents living room, and that it wasn't painted, or that you didn't have the laundry done on the day he arrived, or that you didn't walk a marathon a month after he arrived, or that you didn't show off your creative artistic abilities right before he was born. You will care if he arrives into the world in one piece and he will care that you love him, and feed him and take care of him and be the best mommy you can be.
Realistically speaking, thinking you can do it all leads you to act crazy, do crazy things way out of your character, and slightly lose touch with reality. You really don't mean to, but it happens, even to the best of us. Blame it on the hormones. It really is the truth.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
The 2010 Self-Improvement Quest Mid-Year Update...
-Career Development
Ok, so here's the thing...unfortunately, the job market is tough. Whoa, way for me to blow your mind. However, I've still been job hunting. Well, I was job hunting until I got to be about 4.5 months pregnant and there was no way to ignore the fact that i'm, well, preggo. I mean, I tried, but unfortunately, while they may not come out and out and tell you they aren't hiring you because they don't want to lose you in 4 - 5 months to maternity leave, THEY DON'T WANT TO HIRE YOU BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU IN 4-5 MONTHS TO MATERNITY LEAVE. Blah! It sucks. I have lots of skills. I made a list of them for goodness sakes. But, you can't make someone hire you, I still fully believe that with all my heart. I have plans though. I sent my resume to the local chapter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation to volunteer with office work and event planning, because that is one good way to get some good experience, even if I can't convince people to hire me right now, maybe 6 months down the line they will. It can't hurt to try. I'll try to work on improving this after my son arrives.
-Financial Stability
Surprisingly, in spite of the fact that my job stinks and the pay stinks, I am on financially better ground than I was a year ago. Crazy, i know. But, our bills are being paid, on time. My credit card is going to be paid off hopefully before I go on maternity leave, and by tax time next year, we should only be paying two bills..cell phone and car insurance. Holy crap! The one thing I've sucked at is still savings. However, if we can continue down the path of paying off bills, i'm hoping that we will be able to start adding to our savings account when I get back to work. At least, that's my goal.
-Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness took on a mind of its own. Along with pregnancy, came my sudden addiction to fruits, vegetables, wheat bread, peanut butter and milk and water. Caffeine has not been in my system in over 7 months. (Imagine what I'm going to be like when I get it back, yikes!) I've cut a lot of unnecessary crap from my diet. I do yoga five days a week. (Not the most flexible gal still, but it helps with certain wellness aspects.) And, with Gestational Diabetes, i'm extremely picky about what I put in my mouth and how much. I'm not going to lie, i'm not perfect. I still like a little bit of sweets every once in a while, but it's quite different from a year ago, where I just kinda put whatever I felt like in my mouth and was done with it.
The one thing I didn't think about wellness wise, was stress. Stress is actually still quite a big thing in my life, and I really have got to find some constructive ways to deal with besides eating, or yoga...or crying, blech. I'll have to do some research on this and go from there.
There's a tie in I didn't talk about up in career development. But, its education too. Its considering taking tax preparation classes and becoming a tax preparer during tax season. Earlier this year, I ended up doing 4 different people's taxes, including my own. I mean, I got paid for it a little, but if i'm gonna do it, why not get really paid for it. I need to find a good program though. H&R Block has one, but its $300!! Aaaah, how do I pay for that? I'm researching that plan. (And looking into it for my mom, who needs a part time job.)
In other education aspects, I've had a lot of education on stuff I didn't plan on, especially the whole becoming a mommy thing. I'm taking a Lamaze class at the end of the month, a breastfeeding class, oh, I also took a nutrition class about having Gestational diabetes too. I don't know, my genius plan of getting a book to learn about my car failed miserably when my car died and we haven't been able to get the car fixed yet. I basically want to try to get a "Mrs. Fix-it" kind of book and learn how to fix basic things around the house, toilets, this, that and the other. And the boy and I have been discussing taking a cooking class together as something fun to do after I have the baby, though it might have to wait until next year depending upon the cost. Yes, i am in fact a nerd.
Ok, here's my opinion. After the last 8 months, I really think minimalization/organization is a LIFETIME process. You can get rid of as much stuff as you want, and still end up with more stuff. Now, this may have to do with the fact that I keep accumulating so much stuff for the jellybean, but seriously, the amount of clothes I've donated, the things from college that i've gone through and decided what I did or didn't want once and for all, and then minimizing my parents house down some, its been unreal. We've gotten rid of so much stuff. But, it feels like we have so much more stuff!! I was really proud of myself for getting rid of quite a bit of our DVD collection, which was craziness, and in actuality, we only got rid of about half of what we actually had, but we still got a good chunk of change from it, which was pretty cool.
I think that's the best summary of my self-improvement, at least at this point...Things are about to get seriously crazy, especially with my jellybean coming. We'll see how things progress from there!