::SIGH:: Hi, my name is Flaherty and I'm an optimist.
I have spent most of my life looking for the sunshiny side of things. The upside. Glass half-full kinda crap. It doesn't always work. I have my days. I get grumpy. But for the most part, I have to check everything out and see things through before I make a decision that it is bad for me or not a good option.
We have potentially found an apartment. A groovy apartment. An apartment two streets up from the Oceanfront. OH MY FREAKING GOD, I have been babbling about living at the beach since I was in high school. God, I don't even have to live there forever, but to be able to say I lived at the beach and cross that off the big list of things to accomplish in life, I would be so happy. Even better, its not overly expensive. Its expensive, but not overly expensive. We have to go check it out obviously, and I've long learned to stop putting all my eggs in one basket, but this could be sweet.
I'm excited, thrilled, really. This could be cool. So why do people like to rain on other people's parades? Is it because people can not be truly happy for someone else? Is it the need to be "real" and help others be "real"? Or does it just suck to hear that something is going right for two people who have been on the EPIC roller coaster of FAIL for the last year and a half and you just have to make them cranky? I don't rain on your parade. I'm truly happy for you and all your stuff. Jealousy is an ugly color on anyone and so are you in anything backless! (I'm bitter, sorry.)
Anyways, I'm excited, i can't wait. I'm going to check this place out and see where its at, what its like, what the parking is like and all sorts of other things and take pictures and then we'll see how me and the boy feel about it. He's getting all puffy chesty because he thinks he's providing me with something I want. Which is true. I want this real bad. We'll see how it is though and then go from there.
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4 weeks ago
You're sassy. I like it.
I say to those people: Worry less about me, and more about you... OK, Mr/Ms Perfect?
PS... If you live at the beach I will hate you. Only because I'll be a little jealous. Ok, a lot jealous. Oh and good luck getting rid of me. You might as well count on me moving in with you.
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