...well at least in my world currently. Because of different events that have unfolded within the last three weeks, things that I've been dealing with for months have to come to a head. To say the least, I'm still surprised by some of the turns of events and I don't know what to make with some decisions that have come up in my career. I'm trying to get my head on straight still, because everytime I think I know what direction things are heading in, the rug seems to get sweeped out from under me. I think this is commonly refered to as life, or something like it. Hmm.
I dunno, either way, i'm tired of talking about these sorts of things for the moment. When I'm not talking about it, i'm thinking about it, when i'm not thinking about it, i'm dreaming about it, and the questions seem to constantly float into my conciousness, and I just want to SCREAM at the top of my lungs for it to stop and for me to be able to think about something, at least for a moment.
However, because certain events, my life is now everyday the news. For the last two years, I've definetely paid more attention to the news and the goings on of the worlds, than say the previous 5 years of college. However, now I pay even more attention, because, well, its my job.
So yeah, anyways, things seem to be going pretty crazy in the world. Hmm, a thought, could the craziness in my life be a reflection of the world around me? Hmm. Anyways, paying attention to all that and a format switch (from "Classic Rock" to "Classic Hits" and yes, there is a difference), I made some of my own connections. We now play a song called "Allentown" by Billy Joel. The last few times that I've heard it, I've mostly just jammed along with the music, because when I heard the song when I was little I loved the melody. Then it occured to me yesterday when I heard it that I never knew the lyrics to it.
Now that I know the lyrics, I can't believe how much this particular song is still so dead on with the life we live and the state of our country, and the song was written 26 years ago. I'm not saying its not possible, but it just amazes me when it happens. Anyways, not only am I exposing you to the lyrics, i'm linking you to the video (Thanks You Tube), 80s cheese and all. Please note that you get a buttcheek shot, fire batons and a guy in daisy duke shorts. But most importantly, yeah just listen to the music.
Well we're living here in Allentown
And they're closing all the factories down
Out in Bethlehem they're killing time
Filling out forms
Standing in line.
Well our fathers fought the Second World War
Spent their weekends on the Jersey Shore
Met our mothers at the USO
Asked them to dance
Danced with them slow
And we're living here in Allentown.
But the restlessness was handed down
And it's getting very hard to stay
Well we're waiting here in Allentown
For the Pennsylvania we never found
For the promises our teachers gave
If we worked hard
If we behaved.
So the graduations hang on the wall
But they never really helped us at all
No they never taught us what was real
Iron and coke,
Chromium steel.
And we're waiting here in Allentown.
But they've taken all the coal from the ground
And the union people crawled away
Every child had a pretty good shot
To get at least as far as their old man got.
If something happened on the way to that place
They threw an American flag in our face, oh oh oh.
Well I'm living here in Allentown
And it's hard to keep a good man down.
But I won't be getting up today.
And it's getting very hard to stay.
And we're living here in Allentown.
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