I'm going to take one moment out of my blog that is usually reserved for my random life ramblings to show you something of a big impact to our nation. Well, I don't know if its a big impact, but its a reflection of the impact that a person can have on another person. Granted he's in the media, but you've got to give him props for his ballsiness.
I normally do not talk about my opinions on politics and war. In all truth, I have much stronger opinions about the war, than I do about politics itself. Maybe they are entertwined, but in all honesty, nothing gets me more hopped up some days than the war.
I have been against the war for quite a while. If nothing else, I've always felt that the war was an excuse to keep the country distracted while there were a lot of other things going on behind the scenes to benefit everyone except this country and the world at large. It was the benefit the big guys, the man. Not to help save the world from terrorism. The world hasn't been saved. We've got big, huge problems throughout the world, from the cyclone disaster in Myanmar and the earthquake in China, to Global Warming, to the recession of this country and the financial distress that exists in many other countries, to the lack of general caring about anyone else or those in need. But that's the thing. My dad told me recently that "Charity starts at home." And I believe that with all my heart. Its not a selfish thing, its about the idea that before you can fix anyone else's problems, you have to fix your own. And yes, we were attacked. But our country's President tried using the rather flimsily disguised excuse that we had to save the world from terrorism. And for some reason we marched into Iraq, the country that didn't even attack us and now we've lost many men and women over a war that no one still understands the true reason behind to this day. It wasn't about helping anyone or saving anyone. It was about looking good to the world and money and many other reasons that we may never know. Maybe if we had fixed problems within our own country first, we would be able to help other people now. Or hell, maybe we would be able to help ourselves now if we had just stayed out of a country we had no business going in, in the first place.
Ok, sorry, I know. Pushing political beliefs and opinions on others, is against my very nature. I just needed a rant I suppose.
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