::sigh:: Ok, so i'm gonna tell a story first...
One of my roommates in college, flat out hated change. I had never met anyone less accepting of change than this girl. She hated being told that change was a natural part of life and that we had to accept it, because there wasn't much we could do about it. In some cases as far as she was concerned, if she ignored change, then things stayed the way they were. Not even accepting the fact that she changed over time.
I on the other hand learned that in life, change was a natural everyday part of life. Change was the way of the world...i'm not saying I liked it, I mean I still don't like when things change right before my eyes. But I understand why it happens...that there is probably a reason for it and that the only way you are going to continue to become a better stronger person is to let change happen. Not only to allow it to happen, but to also allow yourself to change. Staying stagnant as a person doesn't really give you much color. Or let you have much fun.
Change is good, not only in yourself, but in others, in who you surround yourself with. Where you live, what you do, what hobbies you have. I've been learning about pool lately because of the boy. I'm horrible at it, absolutely horrible. But, I'm not as terrible as I was two months ago. I still love music and photography though. Those are my two passions that define me. They define me as a person. I listen to new music all the time though. As for photography, maybe there will come a day when I will turn that hobby into a job. How cool would that be? But those are my true passions in life.
I've noticed that there are people who seem to change at a moment's notice. Whether its that they get bored quickly or they just can't take where they are at in life, they have to change something in there life. Whether it's there clothes or their job or their hair...or their address, they find it necessary, not just to change, but to literally almost rip the roots out of the ground and replant them somewhere else. They seem to have to destroy the artwork known as the life they built and re-arrange things, because they can't take where they are at. At least, that's what I see.
But I don't understand that. Doing that. Maybe its the turtle in me. The turtle in me who loves to just go along and let change happen as it happens. I mean maybe I make a decision and that changes things. But I feel like some people lately are making decisions because they are too impatient to wait for life to happen. And I don't think they realize how that affects people when they make those changes. Again, i'm not saying change is bad, and i'm not saying you can be prepared for every change in life or that change will happen slowly. I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering why people are so selfish to believe that their change won't affect the people around them, their loved ones? Cause people are affected. And yeah, we're grown ups and we all have to accept it, that people are going to make their own decisions and that's going to change things. But how do you learn anything about yourself changing constantly? Never trying to settle down, to stay in one place?
I dunno, I probably am really wrong about this, which is ok. I'm not a proponent of a stagnant life, but shouldn't you keep some part of your life the same? Whether its your home or some part of yourself? I mean, isn't keeping something, some part of you the same, doesn't that show that you are happy with who you are? With where you are? If you constantly change, isn't that just as bad as never changing?
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