Reason # 238: They take themselves waaaaaaaaaay too seriously.
For real, seriously, I mean I know I take myself pretty seriously sometimes. Sometimes, I lose my sense of humor, but whatever. The point, is that 99% of the population takes themselves entirely too seriously for their own damn good. Its not healthy. Its why people are dropping dead of heart attacks at 40. My dad may not be in the best shape of his life, but damn it, he's 72, and after getting shot in Vietnam, having a brick thrown at his car (partially destroying part of his face), having two kids after the age of 40, an angina attack (backwards heart attack), triple bypass, diabetes, knee replacement surgery that put him in ICU before it was all overwith, and the latest bout of health problems, he's still alive, kicking and laughing about it all. My dad knows how to laugh and just be happy, no matter how tight things get in his life.
The point of all this, is that the other night, I got full proof that people take themselves way too seriously.
Here's the deal...I don't talk about my job much. Its not the favorite part of my life and dwelling on it after I've left just leaves me way too stressed, which is bad for the jellybean. But, this story is just so...silly, I can't help but share it.
My job involves a drive-thru. Primary reason #1 why it sucks. But, in that drive-thru, I experience more crap from crazy people than the law allows. Here's why people take themselves waaay too seriously.
Me: "Hi, Can I take your order?
Me: "Ummm, i'm sorry, can you repeat that for me?
Customer: (still with engine roaring in background) "CAN I GET A NBHEURITHUIWEJHTGJB WITH A COKE?"
Me: "I apologize sir, can you repeat that for me one more time?"
Customer: (engine roar still in full effect) "CAN...I....GET...A...NUMBER...8...WITHOUT ADFIHAUIH...WITH...A...COKE?"
(Hi, i'm not stupid. If you would not park the engine of your car right beside the speaker, I would be able to hear your lousy order. Mmm, k, thanks.)
Me: "I'm very sorry sir, but i'm having a tough time hearing you. Is there anyway you could speak up?"
Customer: (engine roar dies down) CAN...I...GET...A...NUMBER...8...WITHOUT PICKLE...AND...A...COKE?
(Again, not stupid. Please stop speaking to me like i'm 4.)
Me: (Super, super nice voice) Sure, no problem, Total's blah blah blah. Please pull around.
Guy pulls around...Oh great, your Mr. Mid-life crisis, driving a pretty new Chevy Camaro. Just freaking great.
Me: Hi, sir, you're total's blah blah blah.
(I wait, while he gets his money together and proceed to take another order. He leaves his hand hanging out the window with the money in it.)
Me: Hi sir, I can go ahead and take your money. (Waits for him to acknowledge to me, then gently pulls on the money, he turns gives me a dirty look and hands me the money.)
(Process order, get change together and receipt, hand him the receipt, he closes his fist just I go to hand him his change, change bounces off of his hand and on to the ground.)
Me: Oh, I'm so sorry sir. (Customer glares at me and opens his car door without saying a word.)
(I proceed to take another order, then look over and realize the guy is still sitting there and open the window.)
Me: How can I help you sir?
Customer: I hope you didn't scratch my brand new Chevy Camero.
(You have got to be f-ing kidding me. WTF?)
Me: (Looks at car first.) Well sir, it doesn't look like I did, but if I did, I am very very sorry sir. I did not mean to if I did sir.
Customer: You know, you have been EXTREMELY rude to me during this whole entire time.
Me: I'm sorry, sir. I was not trying to be rude to you at all.
Customer: Whatever. (Pulls off to next window.)
Are you freaking kidding me? Would you like to sue me for the cost of the scratch on your car? I make $8.00 an hour and work less than 40 hours a week. Get the f over it!
By the way, he bitched about me to my boss. My boss's response..."Well, she's 7 months pregnant, so it kinda comes with the territory." Haha.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Letting go...
I'm in a complicated stretch of my life right now. My young son, who's newest favorite thing is to shove parts of his body against parts of mine, is arriving in about three months. This is good. I've gotten through the first two trimesters. But this is bad...i'm a procrastinator and I have a ton to do like I said last time and its a bit overwhelming. At least i'm not doing it alone though. That makes life easier.
The biggest thing, out of everything we have to accomplish, besides getting our car fixed (which we are almost there with, yay!), is clearing out four rooms of this house in three months. It used to be five rooms, but in a pure moment of manic nesting syndrome, I dragged my family out to the garage and we cleaned it! Well, most of it. We easily got rid of TWO TRUCKLOADS of crap to the dump and about a truckload and a half of stuff to Goodwill that had been sitting in our garage for the last 22 years or so. We've lived here a long time, since right before D.R was born. Time has not been our friend in terms of accumulation and we are all bad for it. We found old toys (like my Alvin and the Chipmunks doll I got for Christmas 1984 with the pull string on the back that I pulled so much, his voice doesn't work anymore, we chucked him), D.R's stories he wrote back in school (with his overactive imagination, I can't for the life of me figure out why he doesn't try writing...or becoming a lawyer...i still need to have a dictionary beside me to have a conversation with him sometimes), things my mom had meant to send out to her family in South America and about 3 bazillion tool boxes that my dad has. Anyways, we cleaned it. It was weird. It was the most room any of us had seen out there in about 10 years. And, it left us with enough room to shove a queen size bed, a desk and a trunk out there from my room.
Yep, we cleaned my room. Well, we cleared out stuff, how about we say that. My queen size bed was replaced with a California king size bed, that i'm really surprised we fit into my room at all. The mattress is only two years old though, and very comfy. I'm sleeping much better. My desk is gone, which sucks, because I have nowhere to put bills and stuff, but its making me get rid of shit, which is good. I still have a lot of crap that I have to figure out what to do with. I'm getting rid of most of the evening gowns I have, except for two (one for a trash the dress photo shoot and one that I just like and should still fit me once I have the jellybean), I need to organize and pack away my CD collection and then start going through and converting my DVD collection to blu-ray. Plus going through my clothes. Which is gonna be weird, considering I've decided to give MOST of it away that I was wearing pre-pregnancy and start over again when I have the baby. I still have a long way to go, and i'm not sure if I'm going to be done by the time the baby comes. But there are still three other rooms of this house to clean.
Next, is the dining room, which is about 15 years worth of crap from soccer balls to camping equipment, to board games and books. Its gonna take some time, but its a smaller room compared to the garage, so I think it'll work out faster in the end. Then, we gotta clear out the living room, which has pretty much become baby storage stuff. Then, D.R.'s room, who has graciously agreed to move into the living room so that the baby can have his room. Basically, all the cleaning is a method of madness of sorts. And this is boring, I know. But the mess has consumed my life. Its like being underwater, and just wanting to burst up to the surface for air. Its left me consumed in memories when I stumble upon things.
In a real shocker, I've actually gotten rid of photographs. As an amateur photographer, this is so not my style. But, I find in my current emotional state, I'm almost allowing myself to feel emotions other than happiness, and while some of the photos stay because they make me happy, other have to go in the trash because they make me angry. I think its what I knew all along. I clean up my home, maybe i'll clean up the rest of my life. Get rid of other things that make me angry. Learn to continue to be happy with the person I am. I may not have a title, a million dollar paycheck or even a clean room. But I have a family who loves me, a man who cherishes me, faults and all, with no judgement for my past and an adorable little man coming into my life. So, why do I keep holding on the past, besides wanting to remember the good times? Isn't it time to let go of the sadness, the anger? To stop punishing myself for whatever things I did against others that I've already apologized for. To stop allowing myself to feel inferior because I don't have this, that or the other, or don't do things a certain way. I've digressed completely, but I was trying to get here. Its where I've been for months, maybe years. And, its hard to get out of the cycle once you're in it. Once you allow others to allow you to feel inferior, its hard to escape. Its such an easy mold to fit. I'm not this because I don't have that, and I'm not that because I don't do this and I don't love so and so because I do this instead of that. Screw it all. Holding on to photographs that make me upset, doesn't make me a better person. Trying to hold on to things that don't bring back good memories doesn't make me happy. If I'm really going to try to start anew per say, isn't it time to just let it all go?
The biggest thing, out of everything we have to accomplish, besides getting our car fixed (which we are almost there with, yay!), is clearing out four rooms of this house in three months. It used to be five rooms, but in a pure moment of manic nesting syndrome, I dragged my family out to the garage and we cleaned it! Well, most of it. We easily got rid of TWO TRUCKLOADS of crap to the dump and about a truckload and a half of stuff to Goodwill that had been sitting in our garage for the last 22 years or so. We've lived here a long time, since right before D.R was born. Time has not been our friend in terms of accumulation and we are all bad for it. We found old toys (like my Alvin and the Chipmunks doll I got for Christmas 1984 with the pull string on the back that I pulled so much, his voice doesn't work anymore, we chucked him), D.R's stories he wrote back in school (with his overactive imagination, I can't for the life of me figure out why he doesn't try writing...or becoming a lawyer...i still need to have a dictionary beside me to have a conversation with him sometimes), things my mom had meant to send out to her family in South America and about 3 bazillion tool boxes that my dad has. Anyways, we cleaned it. It was weird. It was the most room any of us had seen out there in about 10 years. And, it left us with enough room to shove a queen size bed, a desk and a trunk out there from my room.
Yep, we cleaned my room. Well, we cleared out stuff, how about we say that. My queen size bed was replaced with a California king size bed, that i'm really surprised we fit into my room at all. The mattress is only two years old though, and very comfy. I'm sleeping much better. My desk is gone, which sucks, because I have nowhere to put bills and stuff, but its making me get rid of shit, which is good. I still have a lot of crap that I have to figure out what to do with. I'm getting rid of most of the evening gowns I have, except for two (one for a trash the dress photo shoot and one that I just like and should still fit me once I have the jellybean), I need to organize and pack away my CD collection and then start going through and converting my DVD collection to blu-ray. Plus going through my clothes. Which is gonna be weird, considering I've decided to give MOST of it away that I was wearing pre-pregnancy and start over again when I have the baby. I still have a long way to go, and i'm not sure if I'm going to be done by the time the baby comes. But there are still three other rooms of this house to clean.
Next, is the dining room, which is about 15 years worth of crap from soccer balls to camping equipment, to board games and books. Its gonna take some time, but its a smaller room compared to the garage, so I think it'll work out faster in the end. Then, we gotta clear out the living room, which has pretty much become baby storage stuff. Then, D.R.'s room, who has graciously agreed to move into the living room so that the baby can have his room. Basically, all the cleaning is a method of madness of sorts. And this is boring, I know. But the mess has consumed my life. Its like being underwater, and just wanting to burst up to the surface for air. Its left me consumed in memories when I stumble upon things.
In a real shocker, I've actually gotten rid of photographs. As an amateur photographer, this is so not my style. But, I find in my current emotional state, I'm almost allowing myself to feel emotions other than happiness, and while some of the photos stay because they make me happy, other have to go in the trash because they make me angry. I think its what I knew all along. I clean up my home, maybe i'll clean up the rest of my life. Get rid of other things that make me angry. Learn to continue to be happy with the person I am. I may not have a title, a million dollar paycheck or even a clean room. But I have a family who loves me, a man who cherishes me, faults and all, with no judgement for my past and an adorable little man coming into my life. So, why do I keep holding on the past, besides wanting to remember the good times? Isn't it time to let go of the sadness, the anger? To stop punishing myself for whatever things I did against others that I've already apologized for. To stop allowing myself to feel inferior because I don't have this, that or the other, or don't do things a certain way. I've digressed completely, but I was trying to get here. Its where I've been for months, maybe years. And, its hard to get out of the cycle once you're in it. Once you allow others to allow you to feel inferior, its hard to escape. Its such an easy mold to fit. I'm not this because I don't have that, and I'm not that because I don't do this and I don't love so and so because I do this instead of that. Screw it all. Holding on to photographs that make me upset, doesn't make me a better person. Trying to hold on to things that don't bring back good memories doesn't make me happy. If I'm really going to try to start anew per say, isn't it time to just let it all go?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
90 days just doesn't feel like enough time...
Actually, if you want real honesty, its 88 days. And it doesn't feel like I have enough time to accomplish everything that I need/want to do.
Here's the breakdown...
Things I need to have accomplished between now and Sept. 11
-Finish Baby registries
-Give mother-in-law info on Snoopy bed set I want
-Finish finalizing details on Baby showers
-Settle on some freaking paint colors and paint the baby's room
-Clear out four rooms of my parents house so we have room for the jellybean
-Get the family van AND mine and the boy's car fixed
-Pre-register at the hospital
-Register me and the boy for child education classes
-Register for a free carseat
-Get pregnancy photographs taken(?)
-Do MORE yoga
-Oh, and figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, so that I won't be destitute or contribute to the boy's and jellybean's destitutiness (Is that even a word? I'm making crap up as I go.)
It just doesn't feel like there's enough time to accomplish any of it. Somethings I'm obviously not doing alone. Some of it is not even my responsibility, it just feels like it is, because if I wasn't pregnant, two-thirds of this wouldn't need to happen.
Blarghblooooooghnhbotighfoiehgofihjdsogihdeoi phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht!
Approximately 10 hours later...
Crap! I forgot other stuff...this is why I write everything down in three different places...
Other stuff I need to do between now and Sept. 11
-Get everyone's addresses for the baby showers.
Ok, now I think that's it. PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT!!!
Here's the breakdown...
Things I need to have accomplished between now and Sept. 11
-Finish Baby registries
-Give mother-in-law info on Snoopy bed set I want
-Finish finalizing details on Baby showers
-Settle on some freaking paint colors and paint the baby's room
-Clear out four rooms of my parents house so we have room for the jellybean
-Get the family van AND mine and the boy's car fixed
-Pre-register at the hospital
-Register me and the boy for child education classes
-Register for a free carseat
-Get pregnancy photographs taken(?)
-Do MORE yoga
-Oh, and figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, so that I won't be destitute or contribute to the boy's and jellybean's destitutiness (Is that even a word? I'm making crap up as I go.)
It just doesn't feel like there's enough time to accomplish any of it. Somethings I'm obviously not doing alone. Some of it is not even my responsibility, it just feels like it is, because if I wasn't pregnant, two-thirds of this wouldn't need to happen.
Blarghblooooooghnhbotighfoiehgofihjdsogihdeoi phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht!
Approximately 10 hours later...
Crap! I forgot other stuff...this is why I write everything down in three different places...
Other stuff I need to do between now and Sept. 11
-Get everyone's addresses for the baby showers.
Ok, now I think that's it. PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT!!!
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