To truly understand me, you'd have to understand my brain, which I barely understand.
I'm easily amused. Combine that with an overactive imagination and certain ADD tendencies and you have a recipe for pure disaster somedays. It leads me to think about the things I'd like to have if science and reality weren't part of the deal. I.E. Fishbowl Uterus.
My baby is a boy. I thought I was going to be really upset if it wasn't a girl. Truthfully, I'm happy. I already have two surrogate nephews, Peanut (James) and Alex, who I absolutely adore. They are rambunctious, messy and generally entertaining. Peanut is my quiet boy who kind of takes everything in and likes to wrestle and be thrown around by his uncles, but has no issues sitting with me as we dye Easter eggs. Alex is going to be the quizzical one, with his big brown eyes that take in everything and his need to push buttons. God help him, he's a button pusher. My son seems to already have rambunctious tendencies, moving around constantly, bringing his feet to his head so he can play with his toes and leaning against my kidney to remind me that he is there. (Thanks kiddo.) But all those things I know because we saw it in the fuzzy ultrasound or because I can feel it some.
I'm curious. I always want to know how things work, and even more importantly to know what's going on. I was the two year old who would grab her pillow and blanket and curl up on the kitchen floor at night so that I could hear what my parents were doing, so I wouldn't miss out on anything. So, not being able to see what my little boy is doing on a regular basis is driving me nuts! I need a fishbowl uterus, so that I can look down and see what he's doing, how he's moving, how he's progressing and what he looks like. Maybe I could start teaching him stuff early like how to wave and smiling and making funny faces. Of course this is all in my dreams. But it would be awesome.
Truthfully, the more I learn about him, the more I want him to come out, so I can hold him and take care of him and play with him. Surprisingly, I'm more and more ready for him to come everyday.
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